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Joi Donaldson

Introducing the Free Campus Market

As part of the work that Pr. Kwame is doing, the community extends into our college spaces like Buffalo State and Damen University, The second half of the year-the beginning of the new academic year was a re-introduction of Campus Ministry to the students who are always discerning how faith and spirituality fit in with their academic and young adult lives.

So as students were arriving to campuses, Pr. Kwame and LuMin Campus Ministry was there from UB (photo 1 and 2) to Daemen (photo 3 and 4) and finally at BuffState (photo 5 and 6).

New this year is of course, our Free Campus Market at Daemen (photo 7 and 8); they cleaned Pr. Kwame out every time! Fun fact: college students LOVE VEGGIES! The Free Campus Market was also introduced to BuffState (photo 9) and thanks to the partnerships at both campuses, be looking out for CGN's Mobile Food Pantry Bus to be parked on campus this Spring Semester!

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